How Do I Set Up My Optus Email Accounts?

An Optus myZOO email account allows you to pierce your junk mail using numerous popular junk mail customer programs, similar as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. In order to set up your Optus dispatch accounts, you'll need some information from Optus, similar as the addresses of the incoming and gregarious correspondence waiters and your Optus login name. Once you have this information, you can set up your junk mail customer to recoup your Optus junk mail.

Step 1 

Open your dispatch customer program, similar as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. Under the" train" menu on the top toolbar, elect" Accounts" and also choose the option for adding a new account. 

Step 2 

Set the account type to" Post" if necessary, also elect" Add." 

Step 3 

Type the name that you wish to have displayed to your donors in the" Display Name" field, also click" Next." 

Step 4 

Enter your Optus dispatch address in the dispatch address field. This is your Optus username followed au. 

Step 5 

Set up your incoming correspondence garçon options. elect" POP3" as the garçon type, also in the incoming correspondence garçon field. 

Step 6 

Set up the gregarious correspondence garçon by in the gregarious correspondence garçon( SMTP) field, also click" Next." 

Step 7 

Enter your Optus username and word into the username and word fields. Tick the box to flash back the word, also click" Next." elect the" Finish" option and your Optus webmail account is set up and ready to use. You can repeat this process for each Optus username that you have set up. 



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